Prevention is better than cure

When we focus on chronic disease by focusing on the lifestyle causes of the disease, profound change happens – often very quickly.  I offer 3 recent examples of the changes I have seen:


  • A 5 year-old boy who had been on prescription steroid creams for his eczema, which in the words of his parents still left him “raking himself to sleep at night”, stopped taking medication 2 weeks after a nutrition change. (He did a month of the food protocol.)
  • A woman who had been taking 5-6 Ibuprofen tablets per day to manage knee pain now takes no medication and enjoys a pain free status; it took only a few weeks to make the change in her case. (She took magnesium supplements.)
  • Multiple women have significantly improved menstrual experiences because they eat some Magnesium, both all month and specifically during their period.


Fascinatingly to me, I have learned on the campaign trail that two of my fellow aspiring Southern DHB Board members have cured their own DT2 by changing some lifestyle factors!

It remains in my view immoral that we continue to ‘treat’ DT2 specifically and chronic disease in general when we can do so much better. The only losers from moving to vastly reduce chronic disease are those who sell drugs or scalpels. Our people and our country will be the big time winners.

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